As we
approach this momentous day in the history of our nation one is drawn back to
the question. “How much are we willing to give
up in our liberty just to go along with the flow?” In recent years
we have seen the wholesale assault upon the foundation of the basic document
that protects our rights as Americans. We now have an administration that blatantly
rules by pen, phone or simply ignoring our laws to do as they alone choose to
The question that now presents itself is, are we to be much like Esau going along with the present state of affairs, squandering our precious birthright for a mess of pottage thus gaining momentary relief and forfeiting forever everything precious.
The question that now presents itself is, are we to be much like Esau going along with the present state of affairs, squandering our precious birthright for a mess of pottage thus gaining momentary relief and forfeiting forever everything precious.
How long
can this wholesale assault on the basic fabric of our nation continue before it
implodes in to a state of anarchy?
In my
reading we came across the piece by Shane Krauser that bears sharing.
Loving Liberty, Paying the Price
By Shane Krauser
Americans often cry out that America
must be fixed. In making this claim, which is most assuredly true, we often
forget that we created the problem, and, therefore, we must fix the problem.
The only way we can even begin to think about repairing the maladies America
faces is to come to grips with the fact that we must utilize the Constitution
as our framework and guide to resolving nearly every issue. As uncomfortable as
it may make some, this solution will require Americans to dive in, study,
absorb, and incorporate the text of the Constitution and its corresponding
principles into our minds and hearts. No more casting blame on the other guy,
the other party, or the other branch of government. Resolving problems such as
what we’re faced with don’t come overnight.
As I travel as the director of the American Academy for
Constitutional Education, I am
often astounded by the impression so many have that arguing the Constitution is
an art. I suppose it shouldn’t bewilder me, for it is the profession of lawyers
that have created this false image of resolving issues. The reality is that the
application of the Constitution is really more of a science. It is the reason
why the Academy often says that we are creating “constitutional technicians.”
We are not creating “constitutional chefs”, “constitutional artists”, or even
“constitutional beauticians”. The game changer consists of a strict application
of the Constitution by the people themselves.
The goal is to illustrate that these
problems we face as Americans can no longer be resolved on the basis of who
yells the loudest or who has the most financial support. It is those very
approaches and philosophies which we have allowed and have engaged in that have
caused these issues to become such a festering sore on this great land. And,
unfortunately, this approach almost always relegates the truth to an irrelevant
status. The truth takes the back seat.
So, the invitation is to become one
of the few sheepdogs in this country, a freedom-loving species that truly cares
about liberty and the rule of law. We must learn to deal with the issues by
asking the right questions of our representatives and of others who advocate
any number of views. We must learn to first stand for the Constitution and not
for necessarily ideas and policies we may think are good or bad. If the rule of
law cannot and will not prevail in the minds of Americans, what good are ideas
or policies that merely hinge on the whim of those in power? That approach is
like a boat with no rudder and no sail and is not suitable for those who wish
to be free.
Either the Constitution means what
it says and is the ruling document or it is nothing more than a social icon
that is not even worth the paper it is written on. You make the choice.
However, if your choice is the former, you must remain true and strong in
battle. If your answer is the latter, believe me, the sheepdogs are rallying
and we will bring the fight. The sheepdogs will howl in the night warning the
wolves, who would deprive the people of their freedom, that we are on their
trail and will pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to the very
cause they seek to undermine. And we, the sheepdogs, will protect the sheep as
well, for the poor sheep know not what is at stake.
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